How To Transfer

Current Owner Submits A Private Transfer
There is no charge to register on the website and submit your Private Transfer. After you login to your account on the website, you can click the Start A Transfer button and fill out some basic information about your seats and provide contact information for the New Owner.
New Owner Accepts Private Transfer
The New Owner will receive an email with instructions for accepting the Private Transfer. The New Owner will verify the seating information and contact information.
New Owner Submits Payment To The Marketplace
Once the Ticket Office has verified the Private Transfer, the New Owner will receive an email with payment instructions. The New Owner is charged a $100 per Seat Option transfer fee for a Private Transfer or 5% of the sale price (minimum $100 per Seat Option) for a Private Sale Transfer
Complete Transfer Documents
Once the New Owner has submitted payment, we will email transfer instructions to both parties. The Current Owner and the New Owner will then individually complete and return the Transfer Form and any other required documentation.
Ticket Office Approves Private Transfer
The Ticket Office will approve the Private Transfer or Private Sale Transfer once it receives all the appropriate documentation. You will receive an email from the Marketplace to notify you that the transfer has been approved. In the case of a Private Sale Transfer the Marketplace will send the Current Owner the funds for the sale of the Seat Options at this point.
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